Monday, February 27, 2017

8 Errors In Estimating Construction

quantity surveyor courses in lahore
In this article main topic will be to show importance of quantity surveyor courses in lahore
  1. Wrong budget calculation may lead to errors in estimating construction. Estimation requires labor costs, cost of materials and calculation of quantities. Some times any error happened may lead to loss of money. So you can use any calculator to calculate the amount required and copy it in a book for further review.
  2. Normally budget required for construction is estimated from the plans and drawings. Any errors in measurements and dimensions taken from plans and drawings may result in corresponding mistakes in the cost of construction.
  3. Any fault on construction projects subjected to permits and inspections may also cause construction.
  4. Sometimes the cost of constructing materials, machinery and equipment to a project can be very expensive. This may also affect the estimation. Also cost of transportation may sometimes become high due to poor roads and heavy traffic to and from supply sources.
  5. Some labors do not complete their work in time. This may also affect the estimation. So select the labors who complete their job on schedule. You can appoint labors for overtime work in order to complete it in schedule. Overtime rates are fixed according to the labor agreement rule or labor union rule.
Furthermore, following information is provided in detail in quantity surveyor courses in lahore
  1. Any fault in visiting the construction site may lead to error. Visiting the proposed site of the project enables the cost estimator to inspect the plot.
  2. Lack of experience in the field of construction may result in error. This may sometimes result in failure to review building codes and permits.
  3. Failure to give the work to a good contractor may also affect the estimation.
Rahman Rashid is best trainer for quantity surveyor courses in lahore and please contact 0092-333-5380170 or email

Saturday, February 25, 2017

How to Effectively Manage Construction Costs

quantity surveyor course in rawalpindi
In this article main topic will be to show importance of quantity surveyor course in rawalpindi
Cost management is an effective way of making sure that a business controls its expenditure when it comes to doing everyday business. In the case of construction, quantity surveyors come in handy in making sure that businesses are able to plan and execute their business strategies in a cost-effective manner. To cut on the huge cost of construction, there are several steps businesses can take to make this possible.
Furthermore, following information is provided in detail in quantity surveyor course in islamabad
Identify the price of commodities
The first step to ensuring lower cost of construction is identifying the global price of commodities that are going to be used in the entire process. It is the work of quantity surveyors to ensure that they have provided businesses with an up-to-date list of all commodities to be used and the retail price recommended. Most construction projects need items like metal, cement and special ones like ceramics and marble. Identifying the cost prior to the kick off of the project makes it possible to adjust whenever there is need to do so.
Compare the price to previous similar projects
Another good tip is to compare the cost of the project to similar projects that have been done elsewhere. Businesses ought to hold discussions with quantity surveyors so as to carry out cost analysis of other projects and compare them with one that they are about to start. This is the only way to keep track of whether the cost of labor and material has gone up or down over the years. The most up-to-date information should be relied on by quantity surveyors advising businesses in order to avoid situations whereby the cost of doing the project goes beyond the initial budget that was intended for the project.
Consider the use of technology
Today's construction cost estimation needs to take advantage of available technology when it comes to increasing percentage of accuracy. The best way to reduce the cost and avoid unnecessary wastage of funds is for quantity surveyors to ensure that they apply the latest technology when it comes to doing their work. The best thing is that it keeps everything in place and all parameters can be looked at to ensure that the cost of the project can be estimated at once. Project management software in the market today are easy to use and the output can easily be understood for purposes of decision making by businesses that are involved in the entire process.
Rahman Rashid is best trainer for quantity surveyor course in rawalpindi and please contact 0092-333-5380170 or email

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Estimating Building Construction Costs - Elements and Tools

quantity surveying training courses in rawalpindi islamabad
The practice of estimating building construction costs is as important a step in quantity surveying training courses in rawalpindi islamabad. In building a home, a facility or any other structure, it is important to approximate the amount that will be used on the project or come up with an estimate as close as possible to the actual costs. Most construction project failures, be it domestic or commercial, are caused by lack of balance in the anticipated cost of the project and the actual expenses.
Elements of a building construction cost estimate
A building cost estimate should take into consideration a lot of factors which are explained in quantity surveyor courses in rawalpindi. First is the time-frame of the project and the type and size of the building or structure that will be built. Another is labor cost or the wages that will be paid to the workers who will be doing the job. Third is the price of the materials like cement, metal, wood and whatever building supplies that will be used in the structure.
Another important concern is the equipment cost or the cost of the machinery that will be used in building the house or the facility. Subcontractor costs are also significant. And so are indirect costs, which are extras that will be spent outside the primary cost concerns. Aside from these, other expenses such as taxes, compliance costs and certification should be included in the estimate.
Tools of cost estimates
There are a number of tools and services that a building or home owner can consider to come up with an estimate for the project. One is the free online building estimate tool. These free online tools can be easily accessed and can provide a useful estimate for the project. Take note, though, that such tools are very basic and are good only for the start of the project.
Another option is hiring a professional cost estimator. There are a number of these professionals who will be more than willing to lend their services for a certain fee. Check for certification or choose the ones recommended by someone who has already tried the estimator's services. Software programs are also another option. These software packages are used by architects and builders when they make their own estimates and are deemed reliable. However, one might need an expert who knows how to use these programs and how to interpret the data they provide for them to be effective.
It is important to have an estimate of building construction costs before a homeowner or facility builder proceeds with the project. Unless the project will have unlimited budget and the owner can afford to throw a lot of money away, then estimates might not be needed. But then, we all know there is no one in the world who would risk wasting his money on an unplanned construction project, particularly the richest among us.
Learn more about quantity surveyor courses in Islamabad Call 03335380170